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Dean's Message

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Dear Students,

We live in the ever-changing world that requires innovative and pragmatic approach in tackling challenges in our societies. The complexity and variety of social flows, coupled with outstanding scientific and technological developments in the 20th century, have characterized and directed the humanity towards the 21st century.


The totality of the human knowledge, acquired by the previous generations, has been critically questioned with regards to its usefulness for the present-day and the future. Hence, the holistic understanding of the relationship between the human beings, society and the state became a must if we want to preserve our own essence in an automated world that surrounds us and forces humanity into a competitive relationship with the machine.


Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Ervin Kovačević

FASS offers you the path for returning to the essence of humanity by seeking and reaching it in its historical, philosophical, sociological, artistic and psychological dimensions. FASS provides students with a glimpse of the holistic picture. What’s more, upon the completion of the study, our students are provided with tools in order to operate and participate in the world that is constantly changing. Meanwhile, our students do not change their being and nature due to the demands of technology and its supremacy over man. FASS departments and faculty staff guarantee that you will receive an education at our faculty that will help you to become active participants in social and political flows and processes, both locally and globally, acquiring the necessary skills to master the new media and contemporary challenges and to choose the direction we go in our daily life. It is all about becoming a positive part of processes but not at the expense of humanity.


Our aim is to make FASS a center for learning and research in the Balkans and a bridge between the East and the West. FASS is privileged to have academic staff that possesses the knowledge, experience and determination needed for providing high quality education in arts, humanities and social sciences to local and international students. The Faculty places its focus on the continuous improvement of teaching and learning processes by simultaneously emphasizing its international character, interdisciplinary study programs and a strong sense of civic responsibility.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Ervin Kovačević
Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - FASS

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” - Vincent Van Gogh