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Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo

Faculty of Arts
and Social Sciences

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
-Pablo Picasso.

Double Diploma Programs
International and National Recognition
Bologna Standards and ECTS
Best Private University
Independent Research
International and National Recognition
Established Faculty
Academic and Career Advising
International and Multilingual Environment
Scholarship Opportunities
Interactive Education
Student Exchange
Established Art Gallery
Student Clubs
Lively Campus
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Dear students,

We live in the ever-changing world that requires innovative and pragmatic approach in tackling challenges in our societies. The complexity and variety of social flows, coupled with outstanding scientific and technological developments in the 20th century, have characterized and directed the humanity towards the 21st century.


The totality of human knowledge, acquired by the previous generations, has been critically questioned with regards to its usefulness for the present-day and the future. Hence, the holistic understanding of the relationship between the human beings, society and the state became a must if we want to preserve our own essence in an automated world that surrounds us and forces humanity into a competitive relationship with the machine.


Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Ervin Kovačević

Overview of the BA Program

Overview of the BA Program

The Bachelor of Arts in FASS at IUS is a four-year, eight-semester program of 240 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), broken down into about 30 ECTS per semester. Read more

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Bachelor Studies in FASS

Visual Arts and Visual Communications Design
I Cycle - BA
  • Department of Arts
  • FASS
I Cycle - BA
  • Department of Social Sciences
  • FASS
Political Science
I Cycle - BA
  • Department of Social Sciences
  • FASS
English Language and Literature
I Cycle - BA
  • Department of Cultural Studies
  • FASS
Media and Communication
I Cycle - BA
  • Department of Cultural Studies
  • FASS


A Bachelor’s degree is an undergraduate university degree, which corresponds to the 1st cycle of study. After completion of the four-year high school education or equivalent, bachelor studies run for four years and correspond to 240 ECTS credits. The 1st cycle of study leads to the academic title of Bachelor of Arts (BA).


Enrolment into the 1st cycle of study is carried out based on a public call, which is announced in accordance with the Law and the Statute of the University.


Earning a bachelor’s degree starts your journey towards your career, broadens your horizons and deepens your knowledge in an area of study of your choice. 


About Bachelor Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Master Studies in FASS



Achieving a bachelor’s degree is a great success. After graduating from a university, you can take your education to the next level by enrolling into a master’s degree program.


It will help you become a more skilled professional in your field. The 2nd cycle of study leads to the academic title of Master of Arts (MA) or equivalent, it runs for one year (60 ECTS credits), so that combined with the 1st cycle study carries the total of 300 ECTS credits.


Enrolment into the 2nd cycle of study is carried out based on a public call, which is published in accordance with the Law and the Statute of the University. 


Read more

About Master Studies
Distance Learning Opportunities
Visual Arts and Visual Communications Design
II Cycle - MA
  • Department of Arts
  • FASS
Clinical Psychology
II Cycle - MA
  • Department of Social Sciences
  • FASS
Political Science
II Cycle - MA
  • Department of Social Sciences
  • FASS
English Language and Literature
II Cycle - MA
  • Department of Cultural Studies
  • FASS
Overview of the MA Program

Overview of the MA Program

Master progam lasts for one year, (60 ECTS credits), so that the sum of the 1st and the 2nd cycle of study equals 300 ECTS credits.

Overview of the PhD Program

Overview of the PhD Program

The 3rd cycle of study leads to the scientific title of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or equivalent; it lasts for three years and is worth 180 ECTS credits. Read more

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

PhD Studies in FASS

English Language and Literature
III Cycle - PhD
  • Department of Cultural Studies
  • FASS
III Cycle - PhD
  • Department of Social Sciences
  • FASS
Political Science
III Cycle - PhD
  • Department of Social Sciences
  • FASS


A PhD is a doctoral research degree and the highest level of academic qualification you can achieve. The degree normally takes between three and four years of full-time work towards a thesis offering an original contribution to your subject of interest.


The 3rd cycle of study is organized and run as a three-year study program and it corresponds to 180 ECTS credits, where candidates acquire ECTS credits by passing exams in courses specified by the curriculum, conducting research in the specific area of the doctoral dissertation, and completing and successfully defending a doctoral dissertation.




About PhD Studies
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Our Events

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Faculty News

International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo

Erasmus+ Exchange Program

Exchange programs are designed in such a way to provide students and academic staff with an opportunity to study, teach and do research at a university abroad. Students pay no tuition fee to the host university if they participate in the Erasmus+ and Mevlana exchange programs. See the list of all currently open calls for the exchange programs.

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Our Points of Strength

International and National Recognition

We have international and national recognition

Independent Research

We do independent research

Bologna Standards and ECTS

Teaching in Bologna Standards and within the European Credit Transfer system

THE Impact Ranking

Our university is the only university in Bosnia to be included in THE Impact Ranking

Best Private University

Our university is ranked as the best private university in Bosnia according to the Webometrics ranking

Scholarship Opportunities

Our university offers 100%, 50% and 25% scholarship opportunities

Advanced English

Advanced English Preparatory Program

Transfer between Programs

Our university has the opportunity to transfer between study programs

Art Gallery

Our university has a modern Art Gallery where students and artists can organize their exhibitions

International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” - Vincent Van Gogh

About Our University

Why is it worth being
an IUS student?

Contact Us
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